The IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas is the first Italian hospital and the thirty-fourth of 250 in the world in the World's Best Smart Hospitals 2021 ranking prepared by Newsweek with the support of the data firm Statista.
Among the factors evaluated, the ability to use the most advanced technologies, the use of Artificial Intelligence, robotic surgery, telemedicine, and the presence of digital services stood out. In addition to Humanitas, 13 other Italian hospitals, including Bambin Gesù, San Camillo, San Raffaele, and Gemelli, have entered the prestigious international ranking.
Even though the pandemic has accelerated a digitization process that has taken years, technological innovation has always been a critical value for Humanitas.
Aware of the increasingly central role of engineering skills in healthcare, Humanitas has created an AI Center that integrates data analysis and machine learning with the hospital's research and clinical activities. The objective is to guarantee a more personalized attention, greater precision of interventions, facilitation of diagnosis, and helping the structure manage the flow of patients with a general improvement in care and internal organization.
Humanitas IA's work is not limited to the processing of clinical information. It also aims to build intelligent algorithms capable of finding associations, recognizing patterns, and building prediction models that contribute to predictive medicine and diagnostic imaging innovation. To overcome these challenges, it is necessary to train the doctors of the future with new skills. In collaboration with Politecnico di Milano, the Humanitas University has created the innovative Medtec School: a medical degree course that integrates and improves medical knowledge with biomedical engineering and allows you to obtain a double degree.
Several services for patients, such as remote assistance, have grown exponentially due to digitization reinforced by the pandemic. Specifically, some pre-hospital visits are made online to facilitate the path of those who need to be hospitalized. Also, care programs, especially in the field of oncology, are dedicated to those patients whose follow-up is often complicated by their poor health conditions. In addition, during the pandemic, remote "second opinions" were strengthened, an effective system for helping distant people struggling with complex diagnoses.
For some time now, the hospital has invested in the most modern technologies. Today, surgeons use robots for urology, gynecology, orthopedics, otorhinolaryngology, and general or thoracic surgery to remove, for example, tumors.
The "smart" face of the hospital is completed with digital services, such as the reservation and report collection system, also through the App, and the vast network of multi-specialized centers in the area, such as Humanitas Medical Care, which provide the quality of the hospital ever closer to the citizens. In 2000, Humanitas was one of the first to make blood test reports available online.
The site is a reference point for patients where they can find the results of their exams and information and news. There is constant digital educational activity on prevention and treatment issues, such as the newspaper or the podcasts created to inform patients about safety, care, and vaccines.
Humanitas Hospital